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Meet The Entrepreneur Behind The Cover Of The Latest Issue Of InLife International: Yan Jing

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In the Far East, an amazing woman’s life story reflects unwavering determination, boundless ambition, and an enduring spirit of love and service. Her journey began humbly at the tender age of nine when she ventured into the world of ballet. Waking up promptly at dawn each day at 5 am, she would practice basic techniques for an hour, displaying a level of commitment far beyond her years. Despite the passage of time, her unwavering commitment to her craft and her dreams remained unshaken.

However, at the age of 19, her ballet career came to an abrupt end. A tragic accident left her with a severe spine injury, forcing her to give up on her passion. But rather than viewing it as the end of her dreams, she saw it as a new beginning. Faced with the uncertainty of her future, she decided to embark on a new path—one rooted in beauty and love. Driven by a desire to help her best friend battle persistent acne, she founded her own beauty venture. It wasn’t just about skincare; it was about making a meaningful impact on people’s lives. Thus began her “career life of beauty and love.”

By the time she turned 25, her entrepreneurial spirit had brought her immense success. She became a symbol of entrepreneurial success, expanding her business to over 600 cooperative stores. Her vision was clear—beauty wasn’t just skin deep, and through her products, she wanted to empower others to feel beautiful inside and out. She wasn’t merely selling products; it was about spreading her message of self-esteem and self-assurance.

By the age of 30, her achievements culminated in founding her independent brand, Zimi International. Through this venture, she introduced the “Six Postures Theory,” which redefined beauty and wellness standards. Zimi International quickly gained widespread recognition, becoming a symbol of innovation in the beauty industry.

But her journey did not stop there. At 33 years old, she launched the Ophir Club in Nanshan, Shenzhen, an elite community promoting the values of the “new rich” lifestyle. Her mission was clear: to build a network where families with a strong sense of purpose could thrive and flourish for generations. The club was not just about material wealth but about cultivating an enduring legacy of success and unity.

Then, at 34, she wanted to give back through philanthropy. Having found business success, she wanted to ensure her wealth was used for good. This led her to establish the Jingshan Jingmei Charity Public Welfare Fund, dedicating herself to the cause of commercial charity. Her vision was simple yet profound—by leveraging the financial success of her businesses, she could generate an “endless source” of love and support for the less fortunate.

Through her foundation, she started addressing problems with the enthusiasm that fueled her business endeavors. In doing so, she established a sustainable model of charity, one that could continue spreading goodwill and empathy in her absence.

This woman’s name is Yan Jing. In an exclusive interview with InLife International Magazine, she shared some insights into her inspiring journey and the milestones that have defined her success.

Can you please tell us the name of your company/brand? How long has your brand been around, and what made you decide to establish your charity?

The brand I founded is called Zimi, which carries a profound meaning. “Zi” represents the realm of beauty, and “mi” symbolizes essential nourishment. Zimi’s business primarily covers the beauty industry, health management, and other related fields.

Zimi International was founded in 2013 with a strong sense of mission, guided by the principle that “the highest good is like water” as the wisdom benchmark. We are committed to providing services to women who are like ‘water.’ Our aim is to create an ecosystem for modern, noble women and establish an honest beauty chain group.

Zimi International has brought together industry elites to provide clients with professional, humane, safe, and warm-hearted services. We have developed the “Six-Zi Beauty” service system to offer a holistic approach to beauty and wellness.

I moved to Shenzhen in my 20s. Time may pass, but my heart is always burning with the passion of youth. Influenced by Shenzhen’s open and entrepreneurial spirit, I achieved many milestones. Through reflection on the value and meaning of life, I have served around 200,000 women, many of whom are single mothers. My conversations with them revealed their helplessness and struggles, and I was deeply moved. This inspired me to launch the Jingshan Jingmei to help single mothers and their children.

In recent years, the divorce rate in major Chinese cities has continued to rise, increasing the number of single-parent families, which saddens me deeply. Thus, I decided to create a national public welfare fund aimed at helping these families. Our goal is to empower single mothers through psychological counseling, legal aid, and skill development programs, giving them the strength and ability to navigate the complexities of life. To achieve this, we have developed 20 detailed initiatives for public welfare activities supporting single mothers.

We have designed talent assessments and programs for the children of single-parent families to nurture their interests and abilities and ensure they receive the support they need to thrive.

What personal experiences and motivations led you to establish the Jingshan Jingmei Charity Fund?

My name is Yan Jing. I was born in Shandong, China, and later moved to Shenzhen. Although I am often seen as an entrepreneur, I consider myself a philanthropist at heart.

As a child, I spent ten years refining my skills on the ballet stage, and as an adult, I spent 17 years building my career in the beauty industry. Now, I focus on the Jingshan Jingmei Charity and public welfare, a cause I am committed to for the rest of my life.

I believe that the soul of a swallow is that of a phoenix, and anyone can rise with the right help and support. I have created a platform that serves as both a nest and a spiritual home for women, helping to improve their sense of self-worth and education while providing opportunities for entrepreneurship and financial and personal independence.

According to a survey, the divorce rate in Shenzhen is as high as 64%. This alarming statistic points to a growing number of single mothers. For many years, I have focused on supporting this group. These women often possess skills, ideals, and ambitions but may lack opportunities or struggle with emotional and relational challenges. In response, our charity fund has developed assistance programs aimed at helping single mothers achieve financial independence, improve family management, and enhance their children’s education.

However, support cannot be limited to charitable courses; it must also include corresponding entrepreneurial opportunities. By engaging in entrepreneurship, women can grow, gain financial independence, and gain a deeper understanding of life. Ultimately, they can form their own independent identities and become individuals who enjoy both a happy family and a strong sense of responsibility to society.

What do you believe are the most important elements of spiritual growth for women in today’s world, and how does your charity help foster this?

In today’s world, continuous internal motivation and an unwavering love for society, life, and nature are the most important factors for women’s spiritual growth. Love alone is the true driving force behind women’s spiritual growth. As long as a woman’s heart is filled with love, there is hope in her life, and she is more willing to help others.

From the beginning of my company, we have displayed 150 crystal swallows in the lobby, symbolizing our 150-year development goal. My vision is to revolutionize the beauty industry with love and create a more beautiful world that has never been seen before. I aim to make beauty more authentic, truth more compassionate, and kindness more loving. This harmonious balance forms the foundation of the new beauty industry. In this new world, every woman is a Zimi angel with love for her country and the world.

Most people express love through emotions and feelings, but I love with my entire being. Years ago, I injured my spine while dancing ballet, and pregnancy was a significant risk for me. However, to fulfill my desire for love and completeness, I insisted on giving birth to my son despite medical warnings. From the fourth month of pregnancy, I was confined to a wheelchair, and by the sixth month, I was bedridden. Only the perseverance fueled by love helped me endure those challenges. This same love continues to drive me to pursue charity and help others grow.

I funded the “Reading with Love” charity initiative to further support single mothers in accompanying their children. We invited experts to host salons, lectures, courses, and reading clubs. Over the past two years, thousands of families have benefited from this project. As we embark on the third session, I will continue to sponsor this valuable initiative, which benefits children and families.

In your experience, how can women balance their roles in marriage and family while still prioritizing their own self-worth and personal development?

As a woman, I naturally focus on women’s growth and related topics. Throughout my career, I have interacted with approximately 200,000 women, and through this experience, I have deeply understood the importance of women in society. Although women are often perceived as the weaker gender, the responsibilities they shoulder—both at work and within the family—require immense strength. Women should prioritize personal growth, marriage, family, and children but not completely abandon their careers. For this reason, I continue to study women’s living conditions and growth environments, reflecting on how they can balance family, career, and personal development to become the best version of themselves.

To balance the roles within marriage without hindering personal development, it’s essential first to understand why people get married. In other words, what are the fundamental reasons for someone to enter marriage? Life is long, and a successful marriage must be based on a solid foundation of mutual affection. A marriage built on this can provide you with a place of refuge during life’s storms; when you’re hurt, it offers comfort and healing; when you’re feeling stagnant, it’s a source of motivation, where those closest to you encourage and uplift you. Most importantly, a good marriage is one in which you grow to like yourself more and more through your relationship with your partner.

Parent-child relationships are a key aspect of your work. How can women cultivate strong, healthy bonds with their children while maintaining their own individuality and growth?

The parent-child relationship holds a key position in my work. Children represent the hope of the family and the future of the nation. Educating them is both a rewarding and challenging experience for parents. It is rewarding because we hope our children will become our greatest achievement. The challenge arises because, if education is not handled appropriately, children may become a source of regret.

When I became a mother, I learned how to nurture my child and grow alongside him. I created a commemorative book of his growth titled Promised Inheritance of Love, which relatives and friends cherished. This inspired me to write Teaching Good Children and launch the audio column Yan Jing Voice, where I share stories, case studies, and experiences on parent-child interaction.

For women, establishing a strong and healthy bond with their children while maintaining their individuality and personal growth requires the grace and wisdom of a goddess. We must respect our children’s uniqueness, accompany them in exploring the world, and allow them to grow naturally. In this process, we, too, continuously evolve, leading to a more harmonious and beautiful family life.

What role do you think character development plays in a woman’s journey towards value creation, and how can women start this process?

Character development plays a vital role in a woman’s journey to creating value. Every woman dreams of becoming exceptional, but we face many challenges due to differences in personal missions, living conditions, family backgrounds, and educational experiences.

A woman’s awakening typically progresses through four stages. In the first stage, she realizes that she cannot always rely on her parents and must take responsibility for her own life and her parents’ old age. In the second stage, she understands that men in marriage are not the sole source of happiness; happiness must be created by both partners through cooperation and mutual growth. In the third stage, a woman recognizes that children have their own independent lives, just as she has hers, and that she cannot place all her dreams on them. Finally, in the fourth stage, she realizes that she is not only a physical being but also possesses an independent spirit.

By moving through these four stages of awakening, women can continually enhance their understanding, thoughts, and wisdom, taking control of their destiny. This process begins with self-awareness, understanding both strengths and weaknesses, and then courageously pursuing dreams, learning, and growing to become the best version of themselves.

How do you address topics of love and relationships within your charity’s work, and what advice do you give to women navigating these areas of life?

In charity work, love and interpersonal relationships are essential topics. In today’s era of advanced social media, people are more closely connected, yet it’s also easier to lose sight of boundaries. Everyone has their own safe space, and overstepping those boundaries can lead to discomfort or even harm for ourselves and others.

Boundaries are essential in parent-child, marital, and friendship relationships. For women, it’s especially important to be mindful of emotional boundaries. When women marry, they should maintain appropriate boundaries in their interactions with both the same and opposite sex. This is a key quality for safeguarding both emotions and family life.

There are three key aspects of boundaries to consider. The first is language boundaries. It’s important to be mindful of our words and avoid using overly intimate language with anyone of the opposite sex who is not our spouse. As a rule, it’s best to avoid conversations about family or emotional issues with the opposite sex, especially after 10 p.m. The second is behavioral boundaries. Maintaining an appropriate physical distance from others helps prevent misunderstandings. The third and most crucial is psychological boundaries. Married women should be careful not to overstep these boundaries due to temporary feelings of loneliness.

We can judge whether we’ve crossed a boundary by considering our partner’s perspective. If our behavior could hurt them, it may indicate we’ve gone too far. A healthy marriage and emotional well-being rely on both partners understanding and respecting boundaries when interacting with the opposite sex.

For women, a clear sense of boundaries helps make relationships more transparent, fosters harmony within the family, enhances emotional connections, and preserves a positive image and status over the long term. Maintaining clear boundaries in our interpersonal relationships is essential if we want to be respected and loved.

What specific challenges do you think women face in today’s world when it comes to achieving personal growth, and how can your charity help overcome them?

In today’s world, women face unique challenges in achieving personal growth. One significant issue is that some women may gradually lose their feminine qualities as they advance in their careers. For example, some women adopt neutral attire and a more forceful, vigorous demeanor in the workplace. While this can lead to career success, it often creates emotional difficulties. By hiding or erasing their weak, feminine characteristics, they stray from the essence of women’s value awakening.

The awakening of women’s values does not mean denying their own feminine characteristics. Laozi’s Tao Te Ching says, “The highest good is like water,” reminding us that women should be like soft water, using their feminine beauty and wisdom in a highly competitive society with ease and grace. True balance can only be achieved by adhering to the universal principle of yin and yang, where men embody masculinity and women embrace gentleness. When women take on masculine roles, they often encounter significant challenges in areas such as marriage and family.

My charity is committed to helping women overcome these challenges. We encourage women to reconnect with their inherent feminine values, recognizing their elegance and beauty. Whether through wearing graceful attire such as skirts and cheongsams or embracing their delicate, graceful, and gentle inner qualities, we encourage women to express their feminine charm in all aspects of life. Through various activities and training, we aim to help women realize their own value, focus on both their external image and inner growth, find their femininity, and exude their unique charm.

How do you define ‘value awakening’ for women, and what are some practical steps women can take to begin this journey of self-awareness and empowerment?

Women’s “value awakening” means recognizing their own independent values. Independence does not mean being entirely self-reliant but having an independent spiritual identity. It is about understanding that you are an individual who does not need to depend on others to survive. However, in relationships, you can still rely on one another and collaborate to create something meaningful.

Women can take practical steps to begin their journey of self-awareness and empowerment. First, correct the misconception of “independence.” Independence does not mean never relying on others or becoming the sole leader of the family, nor does it mean relying on others as a way to survive. Second, acknowledge your spiritual independence and avoid becoming a subordinate to anyone. Third, cultivate equal and mutually supportive relationships with others while maintaining independence. Finally, aim for both spiritual and personal independence and pursue financial independence to enhance your dignity and status within the family.

Your work focuses on both spiritual and practical aspects of women’s growth. How do you integrate these two elements into the programs your charity offers?

My work focuses on the spiritual and practical aspects of women’s growth. We integrate these two elements closely in the projects offered by charities.

First, we introduce the concept of the love quotient. The love quotient is a life metric equal to or higher than IQ, EQ, and financial quotient. It represents the ability to love. In Chinese culture, there has long been a lack of education about love, which has resulted in many people being unable to express love correctly or even developing unhealthy or misguided notions of love. Through various courses and activities, we aim to awaken the love in women’s hearts, teach them to express love correctly and improve their love quotient.

Secondly, we apply the love quotient to business and everyday life. In business, we advocate for genuine goods, transparent pricing, and fair treatment, returning to the essence of what business should be. In personal life, we encourage women to cultivate the energy of love, filling their families with warmth and contributing to a more loving society. This allows women to become representatives of love and embody it in their lives.

Finally, through practical activities, such as the single mother assistance project, we help women put love into action. We support single mothers in enhancing their love quotient and managing love effectively, leading to personal growth and family happiness.

What do you envision as the future of women’s empowerment, and how does your charity contribute to this vision on a global scale?

I envision a future of women’s empowerment where women can live out their gender dignity, express their innate love and compassion, possess a broad mind and vision, serve as the world’s mothers, and achieve brilliant lives as women. My charity is committed to contributing to this vision on a global scale.

We are committed to increasing global awareness of Chinese women and bringing their stories to the forefront. By promoting and sharing the stories of chosen women, we aim to inspire more individuals to pursue their unique missions bravely. Chosen women like Mother Teresa and Audrey Hepburn have transcended traditional life trajectories, bringing love and beauty to the world in their own unique ways.

We will continue implementing charity projects that help women realize their self-worth and awaken a sense of mission in more women. At the same time, we will strengthen our cooperation with international organizations to spread women’s wisdom and strength, contributing to the global cause of women’s empowerment.

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